Role Reversal Cont. W2D5

A Resolution to be Champion Biblical Femininity

Day 5

Role Reversal Continued.

Women have taken over the authority of men; men have passively neglected their roles as leaders. The result has been broken families, unstable homes, unhealthy dynamics, and derailed legacies. Marriages have cratered.

Only by surrendering to God’s design for womanhood will we as women experience the liberation we are trying so desperately to recover elsewhere.

What reasons do you think woman are so leery about submitting? 

Those loss of power or control. 

The stronger; more ambitious, and more independently capable you are; the more inclined you may be to shudder at the thought of submission.

Define submission in your own words. Pg. 46

descion to yield to people, precepts, and principles that have been placed in our lives as authorities. 

Some have abused it. So have misapplied the concept, allowing husbands to be domineering and their wives doormats. 

Have you been treated as a doormat in the past? 

I have been used many times, but I have allowed it so that is my fault. 

Not all leaders live their responsibilities well. Perhaps, if you’re married, your husband doesn’t.

Is there someone close to you that is not doing their best, and in turn is effecting you and your family?

All of my sbilings. The constant fighting challenging each other and using each other is hurting our family. 

Your husband, like any leader in God’s created order, will be held accountable for how wisely, how carefully, how devotedly, how biblically he has handled his role. 

So will you!

How content are you with the work you are doing in your God assigned role?

hmmm I feel I am on the right track. Staying in the Word, showing my children by example how to be a good person and love God. 

This is certainly not to say that you must submit to anyone who leads you into sin or is abusive toward you. If you are married where your conscience and physical safety are under threat, the duty of submission doe not call you to endure any demand without question.

Are you offended at the thought of yielding to the authority of another?

When they are “unworthy” I do have that problem. Especially with my bosses in the past.