The Resolution For Women Bible Study

I created this bible study to do with the ladies in my church!! So check it out feel free to use it!! I took the resolution’s chapters and split them into 5 days of lessons and there are 13 Resolutions so 13 Lessons. One of the lessons previously did not save so I do realize I have lesson 9 on there twice.  Including information from the book a little of my own and questions to make you dig deeper. I have never written a bible study so let me know if there is anything you would fix. I am going back through the study to update and fix errors, but it may take a bit.

–Jennifer 4/24/13

A Resolution to be content: Lesson 1 PDF Updated 4/24/13

This Resolution is all about being content with what you currently have and what that can do to relieve stress and bring you the blessings from God. Also what to do with those blessings that we receive; trusting that God will bring you through it. 

A Resolution to be champion biblical f: Week2.Feminine Updated 4/24/13

This Resolution shows how to live like a biblical feminine.  What the Bible says a woman should be like. 

I did blog some of these chapters so here are those entries if interested.

All Pricilla & Resolution for Women Posts

These are the finished but not double checked lessons.

Week1 pdfResolution to be content

Week 2 PDF

Week 3 pdf

week4 PDF

Week 5 PDF

week 6 pdf

Week 7 PDF

Week 8 PDF

Lesson 9 PDFA Resolution to Care.

Week 9 PDF: A Resolution to be the kind of woman who truly blesses her man

Week 10 PDF  A Resolution to train my kids in righteousness

Week 11pdf: A Resolution to make my home a welcome place to be.

Week 12 pdf A Resolution to live today with tomorrow in mind.

34 thoughts on “The Resolution For Women Bible Study

  1. Hi, Jeni, When will week 3 be available to print on pdf? I’ve really enjoyed the first two weeks, thanks so much!

  2. I am thinking about doing this book with my ladies at church. They were intrigued by it when it was mentioned as a possibility for our fall study. Do you have anymore studies you have put together for this book? If you wouldn’t mind emailing me at the email I will include below, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

  3. Hi Jeni, When will week 8-13 be available to print on pdf? I will be doing the resolution with the women ministry at church starting this coming Saturday October 26, 2012. Thanks. Pastor Patricia

      • Thank you. Sadly I have not done weeks 8 – 13 because the bible study stopped happening after week 5 I have slowly been compiling the rest, but being a busy mom and business owner sometimes don’t have the time. I will still try my best to get them posted. There are no studies for this book yet all I do is read the chapter and compile questions that I would ask.

  4. My Women’s ministry is starting a bible study with this book and I found your page and the information you have compiled is WONDERFUL. I only have weeks 1-8. I noticed several people wanted to know about the remaining weeks and I too am interested, because this information is certainly needed and useful. Have you completed the remaining weeks and if so, how can I get them. Thanks for the HARD work you have put into this.

    • I just went to blogging the rest of the chapters since my bible study stopped happening! I was opening my home daycare at the same time so it just got too busy I guess. I can try and put some more together. All I did was read the chapter and blog what I felt was most important in the text and what questions came to mind I wrote down.

      Thank you though for your praise!! I will see what I can get together. The book is amazing!! I hope she makes a bible study for it!!

  5. Good morning! Do you have studies prepared for weeks 8-13? This has truly been blessing the women in my small group. We are doing the women’s book while our husbands are doing the men’s. It’s been wonderful! Thank you for sharing your gift!

  6. would you be able to complete the weeks 10-13? My church group has decided to put on this bible study and I would love to be able to have these for each week. Thank you so much

  7. Thank you Jeni I am so glad I found this page. I have been using them as well in fact tonight I am teaching week 9. I love them and my ladies are really being challenged and we love it. Thank you for doing this and putting in the time you have really helped me with writing lessons.

    • I have been trying to get the last chapters done, buT i am overwhelmingly busy starting a Celebrate Recovery program at our church and with my daycare! I will do my best, all I do is think of questions I would ask a group and write them down!

  8. I would just like to say thank you for all your hard work on this! I have been looking in Bible book stores and online for a study guide to go along with this Book. I have already use this book for a Bible study at my church and we are starting up a new class tomorrow night. So I am just thrilled to find you. I have printed off the first leason and will make other copies for our small group. Again THANK YOU and may God bless you !!!!

  9. Thank you so much for taking the time to finish up the bible study material!! I have been using this for the bible study that we are doing for our church and I was praying that this would be completed by the time I needed the last chapters! We are up to the chapter “My Heart” and I noticed that there are 12 weeks of bible study that you have put together but there are actually 13 chapters and then I realized that this chapter (My Heart) did not have a specific lesson for it. I am trying to compile this lesson from your blog posts on that chapter, but I was just going to see if you were planning to add that last chapter at all??

  10. Thanks again for all your work you put into the study material!! It was a HUGE help for our group to carry out our sessions. We adjusted some of your material in order to accommodate our 8 week study on the book and if anyone would like to use that material please feel free to see it by going to this link and all the sessions are on the left side: We also utilized video of Priscilla Shirer’s interview on 100 Huntley Street to enhance our sessions which worked very nicely and those videos are all linked to the website as well. Thanks for being a blessing to so many women around the world participating in this book study!! 🙂

  11. The ladies from our Church, New Seasons Church CREST, LOVE THIS BOOK and STUDY!!!!!! We want to give a shout out to Priscilla, her family (for giving up some of their time), the Kendrick brothers for following God’s leading and asking her to do this, and MOST IMPORTANTLY….GOD for giving her the knowledge and desire to complete this task! What an awesome accomplishment! May the Lord continue to use you in a might way and bless you the way you have blessed so many others!

  12. I’m doing this bible study right now. We have 10 to 12 ladies in our group. Only 3 can afford the book. So I do a lot of reading. And writing the resolution down. Thank you for such an amazing book. This is the third time through it for me. I keep it with my Bible.

  13. Hello! I am a missionary in Chile, South America and we are going to use the book for our women’s ministry this year. Do you mind if I translate some of your material? Thank you so much for making it available to so many. God bless!

  14. Thanks so much for this! I read the book two years ago and have been wanting to do a study. this is an answer to prayer. Thanks for being obedient to God and for blessing so many women!

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