A Resolution to train my kids in righteousness 2

A Resolution to train my kids in righteousness

Day 2

Loving my children

Now that you had time to use this new skill from day 1 how did it go? Did you notice your thinking changed?


To your children, love means being given permission to watch endless hours of tv, eat junk food, and have no responsibilities.  They are unable to understand what their “best interests” are, beyond a specific moment of enjoyment.


Is sticking to what is in their best interest hard for you to follow through?


We allow our feelings to guide us instead of making the tough, resilient decision to love our children with wisdom, maturity, discernment, and discipline. If we are going to love them as defined by Scripture, we cannot ultimately aspire to their friendship. We’re their parents.

Does the way you are raising your children revealed that you are a “loving mom” or just a mom “in love” with your child? (pushover swayed by their tears, tantrums, and ever-changing mood swings.)


Think of a specific example of something you deal with daily what would be a “loving mom” and “in love” mom response to a battle over that problem?



The Soul Shaper


Mother’s must take on three roles if they’re going to love their children well.

  1. The Soul Shaper
  2. The intentional Encourager
  3. The Discipline Dealer


Soul Shaper: A magnificent composite of mind, will, and emotions, as well as the seat of the conscience. Every person is created by God with this part of their makeup in place. Without the indwelling presence of God’s Spirit, the soul is completely degenerate, ruled by fleshly lusts and totally separated from God.


As sweet and beautiful as our kids are, they are each born in need of being rescued from themselves. Christ is the only One who can do anything about it.  You as the parent are the one who must consistently ask the Lord to stir a desire for Him in their hearts even from birth.


Do you daily pray for your children? What type of things do you pray over them?


This makes us a soul shaper.


Did you grow up with a praying parent? How did this effect you ?


A soul shaper does not make her child-rearing decisions in reaction to their tears and tantrums but expresses her love by determining ahead of time what will best complement God’s work in the shaping of their minds, will, emotions, and consciences. She sees herself as a partner with God in His work, helping to steward His transforming process in their lives. So she trains them by clearly defining and demonstrating expectations, practicing these directives into habits, and then executing consequences when her loving rules are rejected.


A partner with God! When you read that how do you feel about it?

She’s not willing to sit idly by while other people and cultural paradigms tamper with her children’s mind-sets, disrupting the souls transformation.


In what ways can we make sure that God’s righteousness is seen more than the filth of this world?


She is not a perfect parent, she just a woman who believes that her parenting is kingdom business. 


The soul shaper isn’t always on defense. She works proactively to stand against her children’s natural, human tendencies and the world’s continued influence.


What can we do to be proactive in our children’s influence?

10 : I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119: 10-11


She is a soul shaper – on a mission to use these few, short years she has with her children to help them conform into the image of Christ. She also knows that she will never have enough strength in this endeavor if she herself is not on the same journey of transformation that she working so diligently to cultivate in her children.


How important is this lead by example way of life, in the successfulness of our children’s spiritual growth?


Look up Deuteronomy 6:5-7 to find the soul shaper’s inspiration. 


A soul shaper we can all be! Knowing that is we first love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, then we can teach it to our children authentically and inspire them to do the same.


That is how a mother loves her children well.


Take some time to look inwardly, to see if we are on the path we want our children to be on. Think of how you can creatively live your Christian life openly before your children.


A Resolution to train my kids in righteousness

—I had to share this before I was done with the week it is tooooooo powerful to hold on to!!


A Resolution to train my kids in righteousness


Day 1

True Love


Raising children is not all sunshine and rainbows as anyone with children knows. Our number one job is to lead our children with intentionality, guiding them toward becoming men and women of distinction, filled with integrity, girded with responsibility, and firmly rooted in a love for and honor for God.


Now that doesn’t sound as fun as cute tutus and firetrucks.


When you first thought of having children or became pregnant what did you think raising a kid would entail?







What about raising your children were you not ready or equipped for?



How did you get through it?



In the midst of all the sleepless nights and long tiring days, we need to change our perspective. To see through the lens of eternal ramification.



What do you think the “lens of eternal ramification” means?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These kids are a way we can reproduce God’s image on earth, proliferating the agenda of the Father Himself through little human beings who will hopefully become leaders of their own homes one day.


If we change our perspective, how do you think you will parent your children differently ?


This does not mean the fun has to go away! We still need to play with them and take pictures and cry on their first day of school. We do however have to remember our primary goal as parents is to send our children into the world as young people who bear God’s Spirit, who are purposeful about His mission for their lives, and who are intent on being His agent for change on the planet.


How can we sharpen, direct and sent them out warriors for God?


You and I are mechanisms God has put in place to keep todays corrupting systems of thought from taking root and then taking effect in the hearts of our children.

You are in the position to intervene.

You have been placed specifically in your children’s lives to make them rebel against a culture thats telling them to rebel against you.

It wont be easy but it will be worth it.

Love. How can this best be seen in a parent-child relationship? Read 1 John 3:18 and apply it.


  1. Love is a biblical, godly sense is expressed through visible actions.
  2. Love is intended to serve the best interests of another by instilling and encouraging in them the practical experience of living in God’s truth.

Think today how we can change the focus on our parenting if we filter everything through this one question. “Is this in my children’s best interest, will it help them grow into adults who know God’s Truth and desire to live according to it?