Hope and Fears

This whole topic of fulfilling your husband contains more layers than we will ever know! Your husband could probably tell you many things that would help him feel more secure, loved, and fulfilled. Maybe this is a perfect time to talk to him about it. If you have a husband like mine, who never wants to talk about his feelings, good luck! Although we know he is full of emotional and physical needs that if he would just tell us what makes him happy it would sure make this process less painful. Miss Kay Arthur said that men; particularly husbands; possess two great fears

  1. the fear of being found inadequate
  2. the fear of being controlled by a woman

As I typed those I cringed… how many times have I seen myself trying to control the situation or tell him how he should feel and in turn he probably feels inadequate because his way of coping is not good enough for me.

These fears scare me if we look at them in our direction; who wants to feel inadequate or controlled? Your man wants to be your hero. A hero to his children! He wants to feel like he is worthwhile to you and needed by you. He desires more than anything to see a look of love and admiration in your eyes. He wants to know that you celebrate him, depend on him, feel privileged to be married to him, and expect great things from him.

It’s OK.

Take a deep breath!

I know that being a wife is no easy job and these men and can be on our last nerve. They don’t get their dirty clothes in the basket, they expect dinner when they get home, for laundry to magically always be clean, for us to praise them when they do not us.

You may be one of those lucky woman with the perfect husband, just ignore my jealousy!  Or if this sounds outright infuriating to you based on the track record he’s shown you so far; I believe it’s something we need to all hear. Pricilla says, like a stained carpet, these stains do not come out on their own. This resolution should give us the courage to bring out that spray bottle and scrub brush and get to work doing something that may just lift some of the deepest, most ground-in dirt from our hearts and our marriage. And even if not everything comes out and cleans up the way we’d hoped., we’ll be honoring the Lord by honoring His Word, and His purposes for our lives and for this vital relationship.

This chapter is HUGE! I am going to stop it here for today and pick up with what these two fears have to do with us.

Fulfilling My Husband

Marriage Proposal * Hopes and Fears – Fear of Inadequacy, *  Hopes and Fears 2 Need a little Peace and Quiet?

A Resolution to be the kind of woman who truly blesses her man

If you would like to do the study of questions I have complied. You can see the list here