It’s Good to Be a Girl W2D2

A Resolution to be Champion Biblical Femininity

Day 2

It’s Good to Be A Girl.

Can you list the first four books of the New Testament without looking?

A news program recently reported that agnostics know as much or more about God as religious people do. What about our knowledge and understanding of the biblical definition of womanhood?

The only possible way for us to live out and champion our Christian faith as women in a culture flooded  with feministic ideals is if we are aware of what this faith entails, if we are aware of God’s intention in creating us.

Why were we created in your words?

In Genesis when woman was created we were created to be mans partner. Maybe to be that other side of thinking to balance out man. 

What do you think the root of the feminist movement is?


This is specifically address in Scripture.

Genesis 1:27

New International Version (NIV)

27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

What do you get from this verse?

When God created mankind it was male and female, they were a them an it all together one. 

You, as a woman, are worth neither less nor more than your male counterparts. You are different, obviously, but only in function, not in value. 

What about being a woman; if anything, do you feel is less valued than men? and why do you think so?

Well woman always complain about being paid less than men. They say its a proven fact but I truthfully don’t know. If I gave the amount of work as the man physically and mentally I think they would be paid the same. Men and woman have different skills and parts to play. Some people see a woman who is a homemaker as being lazy and not a real job, when we work harder than most. Just because we are emotional beings doesn’t mean we can be take advantage of or that we are over reacting…. we are just reacting and God made us to. 

Can you find or think of a piece of scripture that counters this feeling?

Revelation 12:5 ESV

She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne,

What is more important of a job than bring the Messiah to earth through a virgins womb. Childbearing is a gift that God gave to us woman and without it there would be no more mankind. 

You are not only an equal partner in the created order, you have been called “good” by God Himself.  You are not  just good but NECESSARY!

Adam alone couldn’t accomplish the tasks assigned to mankind by the Creator. Man was in need of a partner. Without her, these endeavors would go undone.

So from the beginning, God placed a mark of importance on women. They were good because they bore His image and necessary in the achievement of His purposes on earth.

Where has God has placed you that the circle of people and circumstances are in need of you?

My children need me as a mom, my husband as a wife and to show Him God. My church members need me to watch over their children and my creativity and loyal dependability. 

Choose one of the many roles you currently play in your life, and record for each one how you are….

good for it; necessary to it; an important component of it; worthy to be part of it, and trustworthy to fulfill your role in it.