I can see your issues but not mine

We are always quick to see and judge others sins…….. we really do need to take a look within and see no one is sinless except Christ. We have no right to judge anyone when sin is also within us. We can hate the sin, but not the sinner. We are to love the sinner. I feel myself do this more, now that I am saved and having a blessed less sinful life. I look at my siblings and think why are they so bad?! Why wont they behave?! I have no right to think badly, I can only tell them how I feel, and still love them. Try to better myself and maybe the light on me will over flow to them!

“We so quickly want others to drink from the cup of judgment while we sip from our cup of grace.  If we are going to grow to be like Christ, we must first assess our own hearts.  We must do our best to stand clean before our God and spend less time focusing on the sins of others.  We’ve probably got enough things of our own to work on, anyways.”

via I can see your issues but not mine « Abundant Life.

Chapt. 6: A Stalled-Out Relationship

Loving your Man Without Loosing Your Mind: Susie Davis

What to Do When Your Husband Wont Change His Irritating Ways.

Susie starts this chapter by telling a story of a roadtrup. She thought she did everything that should could do to cause no tension on this trip. She knew her husband does not like to stop; just wants to get there. So she used the bathroom and didn’t ask to stop for coffee or anything. She felt she did everything, but now her husband had done nothing, didn’t ask if the AC was too cold, to look at the map, or to pick some music. He was listening to his kind of music. ( I know about this my husband has so weird taste!! Since I only listen to Christian music and he is not saved I bet he thinks the same about me. ) So for the first 400 miles she listened to his music… She of course grew irritated and emotional. She felt her relationship was stalled out.

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